We are happy to announce that we have confirmed publication opportunities with the following:
- The Journal Anthropocene, Human, Inhuman, Posthuman as part of track 2c. “Beyond the Resilient Subject: Art, Education, and Imagination”
- In two volumes of edited Routledge Handbooks, one on Sustainable Development Goals Research and the other one on Sustainable Development Goals in Policy and Practice as part of track 10e. “Handbook of Sustainable Development Goals”
Further, we have inquiries for publication opportunity in several other journals including, but not limited to, these journals and tracks:
- Environmental Education Research (track 2e)
- Urban Transformations (tracks 6a and 6b)
- Cleaner Production Letters (open for any track)
- Journal of Indian Business Research (track 5d)
- Brazilian Journal of Operation and Production Management (track 10b)