ISDRS has a tradition of asking conference hosts to offer a number of excursion destinations. On June 18th we will be offering a number of excursions/sustainability tours at cost price.
The sustainability tours aim to give participants in the ISDRS community the opportunity to continue informal conversations and networking, once they have traveled to one and the same place.

Tour 1 - Archipelago
This tour is for archipelago and cheese lovers! We will take an archipelago tour boat from Strömkajen in the centre of Stockholm to Waxholm, an ancient almost 500 year old town that once was an important defense site by the Vaxholm Castel, and further to the nearby island Rindö. We will here visit “Ostmakeriet på Rindö”, a small scale and locally held cheese factory. The entrepreneur and cheese maker Anna will share experiences from the archipelago as an entrepreneurship setting. We will of course have time for a wonderful lunch, enjoy samples of locally produced cheese and a walk around the vicinity. In the afternoon we’ll take the boat back to Vaxholm and then Stockholm. If you want to stay for a walk around the town of Vaxholm there are several boats or commuter buses back to Stockholm.
Minimum: 15 participants
Maximum: 25 participants
Price: 80 euros
Tour 2 Soundwalk & Art tour
This tour starts out with a visit to Östermalmstorg, one of the older metro stations in a posh district of Stockholm. The Stockholm metro system has been called ‘the world’s longest art gallery’. More than 90 of the network’s 100 stations are decorated with sculptures, rock formations, mosaics, paintings, installations, engravings and reliefs by over 150 different artists. We will get a guided tour of Östermalmstorg, with a major artwork of the metro station created by Siri Derkert and symbolises women’s rights, world peace, and the green movement. A curiosity: the metro station was designed to function as a shelter in the event of nuclear war.
For lunch, we will commute about 10-15 minutes by the metro to Södermalm, the hip district of Stockholm. ’Sopköket’ (in English: The Garbage Kitchen) and its initiator Filip Lundin waits for us with a wonderful and tasty lunch based on salvaged food products from a range of distributors. He will present the initiative and his circular vision with 50-100% saved ingredients per meal and often organic, local and vegan.
Inspired in mind and stomach, we will meet up with Katt Hernandez, a violinist and improvisateur. She has recorded the urban sound of the largest of Friday for Future demonstrations in Stockholm. We will walk in the footsteps of many 10.000s of demonstrators, be engulfed in a soundwalk of climate change demonstrations, and led by Katt in reflections and talks.
Minimum: 10 participants
Maximum: 20 participants
Price: 50 euros
Tour 3 - Philosophical Walkshop and hike in nature reserve
Exchanging ideas, reflecting on and connecting to nature
Walking brings ‘a sense of peace’ – Frederic Gros
Do you want to stretch your body and mind, enjoy nature and have meaningful conversations? Feel free to join the walkshop for an approximate 12 kilometers of philosophical walking where we will do several exercises, like walking in pairs, silent walking, creating land art, blindfold walking and more. Topics of the conservations are in line with the ISDRS 2022 conference and focus on pathways to sustainability and how this relates to your personal life. Just bring 1) an open mind, 2) comfortable walking shoes 3) some water and 4) something to blindfold yourself with (like a shawl).
We will take a bus from Stockholm City to the nature reserve where we will do our walkshop. A vegan lunch is included. A minimum of 10 participants is required. Time: departure at 9.30, arrival back in Stockholm City at appr. 16.00h.
Environmental philosopher Floris van den Berg (Utrecht University, the Netherlands) has been experimenting with bringing philosophy into nature with groups of students in order to deepen the experience and to liberate education from the setting of the classroom. He published many books on philosophy, including in English: ‘Philosophy for a better world’ and ‘On Green Liberty’. He presents a talk about walkshops and education for sustainability during the ISDRS Conference 2022 in Stockholm.
Minimum: 10 participants
Maximum: 25 participants
Price: 50 euros
Tour 4 - City-farming, 'A walk in the park'
A blooming walk through some of Stockholms most beautiful allotment gardens. A unique cultural and historical surrounding coloring the slopes by the water on Södermalm in Stockholm. We will enjoy the rich biodiversity and visit a couple of the gardens as well as the tiny museum of the community.
The history of the allotment movement is linear with the evolving of the democracy movement in Sweden 100 years ago. The years in the beginning of the 20th century were turbulent times. Urban gardening was of great importance for economic survival and today it plays an important role for social as well as ecological sustainability.
After the garden tour we will walk along the water and enjoy a lovely lunch at the restaurant Skrovet together while appreciating the view of the water.
Minimum: 15 participants
Maximum: 20 participants
Price: 60 euros
Digital visit to all tours
For those participating online, we have planned for an exciting online visit to all four sustainable tours. You can join for the entire event of 5 hours (10 am – 3 pm) or step in and out during the planned streaming to suit the timezone you are in. We will create a zoom room at which we take turns in allowing you into each tour; about a 20-30 minute visit at which you join wherever the particular tour takes us, can listen in, possibly chat with participants. The link will be published here and sent out to all that add the ticket to their registration.
Price: FREE
If you have any questions about the sustainability tours, send it to