For presenters

Full paper template 2022

Have you submitted a full paper to the ISDRS 2022 Conference? Please make sure that you have followed the required ISDRS2022_Full-Paper-template.

Preparation for PhD Workshop 14 June

For the PhD Workshop, please prepare a Powerpoint (or similar) presentation on the topic that was accepted for the workshop. You have 10 minutes for the presentation and 15 minutes are reserved for discussion and feedback. In order to leave sufficient time for feedback and discussion, it is important that you rehearse your presentation in advance, to make sure you do not exceed 10 minutes of presentation. You can of course choose to present for 15 minutes and reserve 10 minutes for discussion and feedback.

Preparation for oral presentation

Are you submitting a full paper to the conference? Here is the full paper template that you are required to use: ISDRS2022_Full-Paper-template

If your submission is accepted for an oral presentation at the conference ISDRS 2022, please prepare a Powerpoint (or similar) presentation on the topic accepted for the conference.

We recommend that you prepare a presentation of 15 minutes and reserve the following 7 minutes for Questions and Answers. Your total time will be 22 minutes for presentation and Q&A

You will receive time indications during the session; how much time is used. We will keep the time schedule tight in order to be fair to all presenters and keep the schedule moving smoothly. 

Technical tips, see attached Power Point file: Tips for presenters 2022

Preparation for poster presentation

If you are accepted for a Poster presentation at ISDRS 2022 please prepare a pdf with your poster and upload it in your submission form at Oxford Abstract. 

Here is the link to the Oxford Abstract platform:

If you would like a movie presentation of your poster, please prepare one and publish it on Youtube or Vimeo and share the link to the movie on the PDF document of the poster.

A template for poster has been sent to all that have been accepted to submit a poster. Please view this email to access the template. You can also find the template here: Poster Template

Your poster will be placed in the poster session in the program during the conference and we kindly ask you to be present to discuss your research in dedicated timeslot. We will update the schedule for you.