The information about keynote speakers 2022 will be updated regularly.

Carlton Waterhouse
Carlton Waterhouse serves as the Deputy Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Land and Emergency Management. He was appointed by President Biden in February 2021. Carlton began his legal career as an attorney with EPA, where he served in the Office of Regional Counsel in Atlanta, Georgia, and the Office of General Counsel in Washington, D.C. Before rejoining EPA in 2021, he held a joint appointment as a professor at the Howard University School of Law and the Howard University School of Divinity. Carlton is a Fulbright research scholar and an international expert on environmental law and environmental justice.

Jonna Bornemark
Jonna Bornemark is professor of philosophy working at the Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge at Södertörn University. Her research deals theoretically with practical knowledge, post-humanism and phenomenology, and she has written about for example human-horse interaction, practical knowledge in city planning, the limits of measurements, philosophy of religion and pregnancy. Current research projects deals with the tension between human and artificial intelligence, autistic writing and knowledge between humans and dogs. Her latest book is Horisonten finns alltid kvar: om det bortglömda omdömet, Volante, 2020, and she is a frequent guest in some Swedish radio and TV shows.

Jakob Trollbäck
Jakob Trollbäck is the founder of the sustainability agency The New Division and the branding and design studio Trollbäck + Company. He is the main architect behind the communication language for the United Nation's 17 Global Goals, an ambitious and inspiring agenda for a better world by 2030. With offices in Stockholm and New York, he specializes in strategy and communication for sustainability.

Azza Karam
Dr. Azza Karam serves as the Secretary General of Religions for Peace – the largest multi-religious leadership platform with over 90 Interreligious Councils, as well as grassroots Interfaith Youth and Women’s networks. She also holds a Professorship of Religion and Development at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) - of which she is a citizen. She has served in intergovernmental, international and non-governmental organisations since the early 1990s and has lectured in various academic institutions in Europe, North America (including the United States Military Academy/West Point), and in the Arab region. She has published widely on transnational political dynamics, including development, gender and religion.

Prajal Pradhan
Prajal Pradhan studied agricultural engineering and environmental management. He was a lead author of the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land and a contributing author of the AR6 IPCC WG III Report and the AR6 IPCC WG II Report. Prajal has experience in developing relevant research on climate change and sustainable food systems. He is an expert in food system emissions, food security, climate change, and sustainable development goals (SDGs). Currently, Prajal is a PI of the BIO-CLIMAPATHS project. His current research focuses on understanding urban transformations, investigating impacts of climate change on bioeconomy, and SDG interation. Three key words: SDG interactions, Sustainable transformations, Adequate actions.

Björn-Ola Linnér
Björn-Ola Linnér is professor in Environmental Change and at the Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, Linköping University and the programme director of Mistra Geopolitics. His research focuses on transnational governance on climate change and sustainable development goals, societal transformations, the geopolitics of sustainability, and methods for policy analysis and dialogue. His latest books are the co-authored The Political Economy of Climate Change Adaptation (Palgrave MacMillan 2016) and Sustainability Transformations: Agents and Drivers of Social Change (Cambridge University Press 2019).

Annick T.R. Wibben
Annick T.R. Wibben is Anna Lindh Professor for Gender, Peace & Security at the Swedish Defence University. Her research straddles critical security and military studies, peace studies, and feminist international relations. She is most frequently associated with Feminist Security Studies and Feminist Peace Research. Her publications include a monograph, Feminist Security Studies: A Narrative Approach (2011), and two edited volumes, Researching War: Feminist Methods, Ethics & Politics (2016) and Teaching Peace & War: Pedagogy & Curricula (with Amanda Donahoe, 2020).

Sabina Alkire
Sabina Alkire is the Director of the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) and Professor in the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. Her research interests include multidimensional poverty measurement and analysis, welfare economics, the capability approach, and human development. Previously, she worked at the George Washington University, Harvard University, and the World Bank. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.

Malena Britz
Malena Britz pro-Vice Chancellor at the Swedish Defence University. She holds a PhD from Stockholm University (2004) and is Associate Professor in Political Science at the Swedish Defence University. Her areas of research include different aspects of European security and defence policy, Europeanisation, and Nordic co-operation. She has studied different aspects of security policy from defence industry policy, development of EU security and defence, European states' participation in international operations, as well as international aspects of civil protection.

Michel Östlund
Michel Östlund is an artist and film producer, living in Uppsala, Sweden. His work has a focus on existensiell issues and human rights. He express life, death, time, freedom speech with sculptures and paintings. He experiments with a blending of different disciplines into an interesting whole, where art, music, film, theater and architecture interact with each other. He works internationally. The last seven years his work has been around human rights and a mission to express what Human Rights is through art and culture. He has both educated and inspired next generation to understad the meaning of human rights with start at UN, New York to worldwide.

Mats Bigert
Mats Bigert is a Swedish artist and one half of artist duo Bigert & Bergström. Bigert & Bergström have been collaborating since meeting at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm 1986. Since then B&B have done artworks and projects ranging from large-scale sculptures and installations to performance and film. Often with a conceptual edge, the core of their work is positioned between humanity, nature and technology. The duo is known to analyze scientific and social issues discussed in contemporary society, such as climate change or environmental sustainability. Between 1-19 June their large scale installation Tipping Point is shown at Galärparken on Djurgården as part of a collaboration with Liljevalchs konsthall, The institute for Future Studies and The Global Challenge Foundation.

Cecilia Sjöholm
Cecilia Sjöholm is professor of Aesthetics at Södertörn University. Her research is particularly focused on the relation between art and politics in contemporary culture. She has published extensively on aesthetics and critical theory. Her latest book, Through the Eyes of Descartes; Seeing, Thinking, Writing (with Marcia Cavalcante Schuback, forthcoming at Indiana University Press) looks at the relation between Descartes’thought and climate issues. She is one of the initiators of a new platform for research in the arts in times of climate change and societal transformation at Södertörn University.

Carl Anders Säfström
Carl Anders Säfström is a Professor (full) of Educational Research and Director of the Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy at Maynooth University Ireland. He is also an adjunct professor of Education at CRESI, University of Southern Australia. His latest book was published by Routledge in 2020 under the title "A Pedagogy of Equality in a Time of Unrest'. He is working on a manuscript for Springer, on "Education for Everyday Life. A Sophistical Practice of Teaching", which are to be published in early 2023. His interest is currently in exploring the place and role of improvisation in art, music and teaching.

Marie-Andrée Robitaille
Marie-Andrée Robitaille is an artist based in Sweden, currently doctoral candidate in performative and mediated practices at Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH). She has worked as a circus artist with Cirkus Cirkör among others and as a talent scout for Cirque du Soleil. From 2009 to 2018, she was an assistant professor and head of the Bachelor's program in Circus at SKH. In her previous artistic research projects, she investigated the representation of women in circus (Gynoïdes Project), sonic interactions (Sound of Circus), and sense-perception (Hidden Circus). In her doctoral project, "Circus as Practices of Hope", she focuses on alternative modes of composition as a method to support the emergence of posthuman practices in circus arts.

Emma Stenström
Emma Stenström is Associate Professor and Director of the Research Center for Arts, Business & Culture at Stockholm School of Economics (SSE). Her research concerns aesthetic, creative and innovative aspects of sustainable business, the intersection between arts and business, and the humanistic side of management. She has published hundreds of research-based articles, chapters, and columns. Beside her academic career, Emma has been a regular columnist in Dagens Industri since 2000.

Sidonie Hadoux
Sidonie is a photographer and filmmaker based in Lille, France. After studying journalism, she studied photography at the Market Photo Workshop in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2016, and she is currently enrolled in an online mentorship with Through The Lens Collective, also based in Johannesburg. Her current work explores the notion of landscape in the post-industrial areas of Northern France, through the lens of a new ecofeminist visual imaginary. Sidonie photographs in response to the concept of female gaze, questioning the consequences of capitalist patriarchy on our lands and bodies.

Anna Enström
Anna Enström is a researcher, writer, and lecturer with a PhD in Aesthetics from Södertörn University, Stockholm. Her research is specialized on the aesthetic thought of Immanuel Kant, post-Kantian theories of art and contemporary critical theory. Her acclaimed and well received thesis is entitled Gemütstimmung, laughter and hypochondria: On aesthetic experience in Kant’s third Critique (2021) and among her most recent articles is “Kant’s globe – the critical philosophy, the lectures in physical geography and the sensibility of thought” in OEI magazine (2022).

Tinna Joné
Tinna Joné, Assistant professor in documentary storytelling and responsible MA programs in Film and Media at SKH. Research about reality in the digital media landscape, exploring how new technology can support development towards more equal representation in the contemporary documentary narrative. 30 years professional experience in film and media. Directed documentary films for cinema in Sweden and abroad. Made investigative journalism, produced feminist radio and do art, performance and soundwalks in the public space.

Robert Egnell
Robert Egnell (PhD London) is the Vice-Chancellor of the Swedish Defence University (SEDU) and a professor of leadership. Previous positions include Georgetown University, the Swedish Defence Research Agency, and the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Robert’s research and expertise is best summarized with “the conduct and effectiveness of peace and stability operations”. He has over the years has studied civil-military relations, counterinsurgency operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, peace support operations, state-building and security sector reform, gender in military operations, women in combat, as well as the connection between security and development.

Lars Strannegård
Lars Strannegård is the President of the Stockholm School of Economics and a professor of business administration with a focus on leadership. His research has dealt with issues of sustainability in large organizations, questions regarding branding, and how art and culture affect organizations. He is particularly interested in how higher academic activity is affected by digitization and how educational programs and environments can be designed in ways that consider the world we live in today. He is especially interested in how the logical-scientific and aesthetic forms of knowledge relate to each other.