We are happy to announce that the ISDRS 2022 Conference program is now published!
Follow the link below and log in. When setting up your conference program account, make sure that you set your time zone according to where you will be when joining the conference. The program adjusts the times shown in the program according to this. Instructions on how to set up your conference program account can be found here: https://help.oxfordabstracts.com/knowledge/registering-for-the-virtual-program
Conference platform: https://virtual.oxfordabstracts.com/#/event/2619/program
On the conference platform you will find the program, poster gallery and all attendees. In the program you can use the ‘Bookmark’ function to mark the sessions that you wish to attend over the course of the three conference days. All bookmarked sessions will gather in ‘Your bookmarks’, which can act as a personal schedule to use during the conference. The tracks have been placed in numerical order to allow you to easily find the tracks you are interested in.
Finding your sessions online: Most sessions will be available for online participation. These will have a zoomlink added to the session. The links are being created and added at the moment.
We look forward to seeing you all in June!